Community Engagement

Health Action Chapters

Health Action is a partnership of local leaders, organizations, and individuals dedicated to improving health and well-being and reducing disparities across Sonoma County. Health Action’s mission is to mobilize community partnerships and resources to achieve equity and to improve health and well-being.

Conversations on Race

Watch compelling video conversations that delve into pressing issues related to race and social justice. Our interviews, panel discussions, and documentaries feature experts and community members engaging in candid dialogue, exploring solutions, and promoting empathy and understanding.

Measure I

In partnership with local agencies Sonoma CAN contracted with FM3 Research to conduct a poll in Sonoma County to assess support for Measure I, which our board has endorsed. Overall the results reflect strong support for the measure across all respondents. Nearly two-thirds see a need for additional funding for child care, and for pre-school and early education programs – even as cost-of-living issues remain dominant concerns in the district. We are elated to know that the community supports such a critical need and core component of our vision, that every child grows up with joy, justice, and connection. We have provided Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms and home based services for nearly sixty years and are proud of the results across the country that demonstrate its ability to disrupt generational poverty. But our centers can only serve a small number of families with the greatest need. We work closely with our many partners who provide center-based care such as 4Cs, and with the many small home based care sites across the county that work to meet the needs of our residents. High quality education and care is so important for child development, but also so parents can work and bring income and stability to their homes. We believe that those who dedicate their profession to serving children and families in the most critical years of development, 0-5, should not have to live in poverty themselves, which is why we have endorsed Measure I.

Full data set available on request. Please email